Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The right Time - the right moment.

Sometimes we are confined for growth but it is also possible God has us confined and in a holding pattern for when our growth intersects His timing and plan.

Joseph was unjustly (we know the whole story) in a prison. Even when he was imprisoned he was still productive and fruitful for God. Joseph was placed in the slow cooker for a season for growth but also because God was reserving Him for a particular assignment. He was confined. There was no understanding that God would release him soon. After attempting to gain release through the servants of pharoh he endured two more years of prison. His dreams were dead. He had come to a place of acceptance of God's plan for Him.

But God always has a plan. you and I may be confined for the time being but God is getting us ready to be released for "such a time as this." I am learning to rest in the assurance that God is at work.

Don't wait until God releases you to be used by Him to produce God glorifying work. Be about His business where ever you are and do a thorough job of it.