Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Transformation of the mind

Here are some notes from my message about “Transforming the Mind” – the need of every Christian in the Body of Christ. I hope that the steps are of benefit to you as they have been and continue to be in me. I would love to hear your thoughts about this subject and what has worked for you.


Key scriptures

Romans 12:1-2
Ephesians 4:17-32 – “Put off” and “Put on”

Steps of Transformation.

1. Yield to God and His Word.
a. Absolute Truth.
b. The mirror to our heart and the gateway to growth – Treasure Hunting.
2. Awareness of areas that need to change – Self assessment.
a. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal.
b. Humbly permit and accept what needs to transform – ADMIT it!
c. We are comfortable in and we often like our old Patterns (SIN).
3. Discover the lies you believe that permit the behavior – the old pattern – PUT OFF.
a. What you “think” gives you “permission” to act.
b. What lies do you tell yourself? “I’m no good” – “I am less than”– “It’s OK for me to do it”– “I’m not hurting anyone else” – “this is my only Vice!” – etc. etc
4. Search the Word
a. Discover how God wants you to think – a new pattern – PUT ON.
b. The lie says this – but God’s word tells me this.
5. Apply the truth - A new operating System
a. When you hear the old lies – you speak the new Truth to them. Satan tempts us through the “little” lies we believe.
b. You chose to operate according to the new Truth.
6. Transformed thoughts bring transformed actions.
a. Begin to “Act” according to the Truth.
7. Develop a contingency plan – “Rinse and Repeat!”
a. What do I do when I trip up during the process of growth?
b. Confess your failure and accept the forgiveness your Heavenly Father.
c. Repeat the steps above and continue weeding out the lies of Satan and apply Gods Truth.
d. Press On

Additional reading:
Colossians 3:1-10
2Corinthians 10:3-6
John 15:1-15