Saturday, July 9, 2011


I was sitting in my van at my kids school one afternoon a couple days ago waiting to pick them up when I began picking at an irritating little bump on my thumb. I had forgotten about it but today I remembered that about three months earlier a sliver of wood got lodged in there. Back then, after a bunch of digging, I never was able to pull it out - I could not see it - but I knew that it was there. I could feel it. Well, now it was infected and on this afternoon I squeezed the spot and out popped the sliver.

I began thinking about how amazing our bodies are. They know when something foreign is contaminating it and they will eventually figure out a way to oust it. The sliver is a great example. I wanted it out but could not find it. My body took over and found a way.

Our spiritual growth is much the same way. When we make a decision to follow Christ, our spirit becomes alive. Often we ignore issues in our lives that should have some attention. If you have been born again you have been "infected" in a healthy way by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is within us to, among other things, prompt us towards holiness and godliness - not so that we can attain salvation (already given through Christ) but to become MORE LIKE our hero Jesus Christ. He knows when something foreign is contaminating our lives. Like my sliver in the hand the Holy Spirit will cause irritation until finally there is attention given to the affliction.

Sometimes the only way we will grow from issues of our past is for the Holy Spirit too bring them to rememberance and then allow His word to help us transform into more of His image. He causes a healthy life giving "infection" in the area of the spiritual "sliver".

What is there in your life that the Holy Spirit has been nagging at you to change? The purpose of the change is a deeper more fulfilling relationship with the Father. He knows where the "sliver" is and He knows just how to oust it. It is up to us to trust and allow the Father to BE the Lord of our lives.

"Do not conform anylonger to the things of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:3


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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